On the 3-4 November took place the second Transnational Partners Meeting (TPM) of the project “Hack4Society” at the premises of our Greek project partner AKMI International in Athens (Greece).
The main aim of the project is the implementation of digital hackaton training events in the service of e-learning & e-teaching solutions for the post Covid-19 society.
This meeting was the opportunity to meet again all of our partners and discuss and efficiently plan the implementation of the next project stages. The partners have been working hard on the on the first project result (Designing Online Hackathon Events Training Toolkit for VET Educators) that will be finalized within the next two months.
The toolkit will lead to the organisation of Hackathon events that will take place during Spring 2023. A huge thank to AKMI for organising the meeting and to all project partners: FORTES Impresa Sociale Srl, Innovation Hive, Center for Social Innovation Cyprus – CSICY, Associazione TDM 2000 and BK CON