Hack4Society – Kick-off Meeting – 25-26 February 2022 in Vicenza (Italy)

On the 25 – 26 February took place the Kick-off Meeting of the project “Hack4Society” at the premises of the project leader FORTES Impresa Sociale Srl in Vicenza (italy).

We all had the opportunity to get to know each other in person, present our organisations and plan the next steps of implementation of the project.

The main aim of the project is the implementation of digital hackaton training events in the service of e-learning & e-teaching solutions for the post Covid-19 society.

A huge thank to FORTES for organising the meeting and to all our new project partners: AKMI International, Innovation Hive, Center for Social Innovation Cyprus – CSICY, Associazione TDM 2000, BK CON and the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB).

Stay tuned for more!

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