Hack4Society – Third Transnational Meeting – 18-19 July 2023 in Brussels (Belgium)

On the July 18-19th 2023, the partners all met in EVBB’s premises in Brussels (Belgium) for its third Transnational Partners Meeting (TPM) of the project “Hack4Society”.

The main aim of the project is the implementation of digital hackaton training events in the service of e-learning & e-teaching solutions for the post Covid-19 society.

During this meeting, project partners shared their impressive results and achievements, including successful Hackathon events conducted in their respective countries. These events brought together teams of five trainers and trainees who collaboratively worked on developing innovative solutions for digital educational challenges. The ideas generated from these Hackathons will be incorporated into 15 e-learning Training Modules as Open Educational Resources (OERs), scheduled to be launched in spring 2024.

A huge thank to EVBB for organising the meeting and to all project partners: AKMI InternationaliekAKMIeduFORTES Impresa Sociale SrlInnovation HiveCenter for Social Innovation – CSIAssociazione TDM 2000 and BK CON

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